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The Great Vine Photography / Where did the name come from?

I have had many people ask me where I came up with the name, The Great Vine Photography. It’s actually a pretty amazing story and it all starts with a young girl.


This little beauty is my niece. She’s not your ordinary 7 year old.  She has a special relationship with Jesus. While on the phone one day, her mom shared a story with me. It turns out that my niece had just had a conversation with Jesus. I had been racking my brain for months trying to come up with a name for my photography business.  I decided to ask this little lady to intervene on my behalf.  I asked this somewhat as a joke, with little faith that anything would come of it. My sweet niece went to bed that night and asked Jesus what I should name my business.  The next morning her mom asked, “What did Jesus tell you?” and she replied, “He didn’t answer me, He said we need to wait.”.  Her mom and I laughed it off and forgot all about it.


I began obsessing again, trying to figure out the perfect name.  It was important to me that this business was a reflection of God’s love and grace because He used photography to heal me. I had spent almost 20 years trying to ignore and hide an emptiness that completely took over my life.  One day, I was coerced into taking senior pictures of my cousin’s daughter. That day something came alive inside of me. With every click of the shutter, I felt years of brokenness lift off my shoulders. I finally had a purpose. So, in order to honor my God, I knew this business had to be about Him and that had to start with the right name. Below is one of the first images I took that day.


I continued to pray for a name and a month or two later that sweet, little angel popped out of bed, ran to her mom and told her that Jesus had finally answered her.  Jesus told her to name it “The Great Vine!!” She was really excited and happy about it. My sister and I…not so much.  Many thoughts flowed through my mind.  I wondered where in the world she had gotten that from and I thought it sounded kind of cheesy. It’s interesting how we ask God to help us yet we don’t want to listen when he answers.


Another month or two passed by and Jesus finally decided He’d had enough. While reading the bible one morning He hit me over the head with a verse and suddenly it all made sense. When I first began to read the bible one verse really stood out for me,  John 15:5  “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” This verse meant so much to me. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten about it! Jesus used a sweet little girl to remind me. I am so grateful for God’s patience and that he answers our prayers even when we don’t realize it.


My niece can teach us all a lot about life. She went to Jesus and asked for help with complete faith that He was going to give it to her. She waited patiently, and when He finally answered her, she accepted it and ran with pure joy. Wow! If only we could all do this same thing in our own lives. I am so proud of her and happy to call her my little partner. After all, there wouldn’t be a Great Vine Photography without her.


So, there you have it…The Great Vine Photography. It’s not my business, it belongs to Him. I am humbled by the gifts that God has given me and realize I am nothing without Him. I’m just a girl trying to remain on the vine. Thanks for listening.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”  John 15:5

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